Legal Aspects of Home Distillation

Legal Aspects of Home Distillation

Confirmed as applicable at the time of writing.  No representation is made that the following information is current beyond the time of writing.

Distilling at home is a legal process in many countries. In other less forward thinking countries, it is still illegal to make alcohol by distillation if you’re not registered to do so with the relevant authority responsible for collecting Taxes and/or Excise.

In Australia, it is legal to own a still of up to 5 L capacity for the sole purpose of manufacturing essential oils and for distilling water. Any still of over 5 L capacity is required to be registered with the ATO, even if it is to be used for the sole purpose of distilling water or essential oils.

Making of distilled alcohol in Australia is still illegal if you aren’t approved by the ATO to do so and further details can be obtained from the Australian Taxation Office from

Selling of home distilled alcohol is an offence in most countries as well and penalties apply.

There are also overlapping Liquor Licensing Laws for each Country, State and Territory which may apply.

We recommend any person considering distilling alcohol to be aware of all relevant rules and regulations.

Make informed decisions and be aware of any possible consequences.