Excellent malt for high adjunct brewing. High diastatic power. Develops excellent clean flavours for crisp lagers and pilsner styles. Mash at lower tempertures will result in dry / extra dry mouthfeel. Ideal for lower carb beers if looking for that result.
Benefits from a 37-38°C ßGlucanase rest for no more than about 10 minutes if you're looking for a dry finish with a high adjunct mash (with cereals such as rolled/flaked wheat or oats etc). Then, ramp your temp to 68-70°C over 10-15 minutes and hold for 45-50 minutes. Generally, due to the high diastatic power, Galaxy will have thoroughly converted any starches to their highly fermentable form quite quickly.
Single Mashing at around 68°C still leads to a slightly dry end product.and reasonable head retention.
Recommend 90-120 Minute rolling boil.