Are you looking for the best price on a Turbo 500 Distillery Kit?
Look no further.
For customers in the area bounded by Gold Coast, Brisbane north to Rockhampton, we'll calculate your freight to be $10.85 total. Your order will save and await our manual shipping calculation, which will be completed for you as quickly as possible.
Worried about purchasing online? National Home Brew will provide you with full after sales service and support for your products. We do this daily through skype if it's something we need to see, or by telephone and emails as required. All done at a time that suits your schedule. Even after hours. You won't be left out in the cold. Our no hassle warranty and back-up policy, makes it easy for you to feel at ease, knowing we're here to help as needed.
All the basic equipment and ingredients you need to set up your own home alcohol distilling system.
Kit Contents: